
Le Petit Prince redux

A first draft cover for a book being written by prof Robert C. Brown. The text is all FPO. I wanted to play around with combining vector art (the planet) with a painted character. Ideally, I'll be able to use a similar style for all of the illustrations in the book. I think I want to give the planet more character, make it bumpier like the "Loomis" planet a few posts down. I also need to add more woodland, push the distinction between cropland and forest, and maybe add a little painted texture to the planet.

A few early sketches (+ a smiling farmer lady & a funky birthday cupcake):

1 comment:

Steve Tank said...

Look at you, posting like a madman. Of course, half your posts are just pictures of your lunch. I really like the planet, very cool looking. I'll be curious to see your revised version.

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